The average house price on ST MARYS TERRACE is £483,568
The most expensive house in the street is 8 ST MARYS TERRACE with an estimated value of £656,832
The cheapest house in the street is 14 ST MARYS TERRACE with an estimated value of £373,182
The house which was most recently sold was 10 ST MARYS TERRACE, this sold on 21 Nov 2022 for £381,300
The postcode for ST MARYS TERRACE is CV31 1JT
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
6 ST MARYS TERRACE Detached £608,694 £277,500 19 Dec 2003
8 ST MARYS TERRACE Semi-Detached £656,832 £254,000 22 Nov 2002
10 ST MARYS TERRACE Terraced £379,525 £381,300 21 Nov 2022
14 ST MARYS TERRACE Terraced £373,182 £235,000 20 Jul 2007
20 ST MARYS TERRACE Terraced £399,609 £358,500 26 Oct 2021